Follow JD's Journey

Follow JD's Journey

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's Been So Long!...

Where has time gone? I can't believe November is around the corner and I haven't posted a blog in months! It's been an eventful summer at the Graham household. We moved in July (yes, the hottest month of the year!) so that we could be closer to my job, the kids started a new school, and I'm still trying to get all our ducks in a row - lining up a new pediatrician, finding new therapists, transfering JD's IEP from one county to another.... I feel like there's just never enough time in the day.

I saw a post on Facebook this afternoon from the Orlando chapter of Autism Speaks and I realized that the Orlando Walk is just two weeks away! On Saturday, November 12, our family will be out at Cranes Roost Park in Altamonte participating in the annual "Walk Now for Autism Speaks." I set up our Team page and I appreciate any support we get! My goal is not just to raise money, but to raise awareness. Since JD was diagnosed almost two years ago, I have met some of the most amazing children and families with autism. This "invisible" disorder is something that can make you feel very alone in the world, but I feel that education is the best way I can advocate for my son.

My goal in November is to write a new blog each day talking about being a parent with a child on the spectrum. I hope you'll come back to read more! JD has made such huge progress from the day he was diagnosed in 2010 to now and I am eternally grateful to the family, friends, therapists, teachers, coworkers, neighbors, EVERYONE who has supported him. And since pictures really can really say more than any words I will share these two for you:

This is JD at his 2nd birthday party, the day before he was diagnosed. He was scared, overwhelmed, confused, begging for help through his big blue eyes. Looking back it's clear at day...

Now look at my handsome little man - he's so confident and happy. Everyday he takes a few more steps forward and I'm so proud of him!

Support "Team JD" by donating on our team site at

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